Green Event and Wedding Planning

Our wedding planning and event planning specialists can plan any event to be environment friendly. The benefits of hosting a “green” event include;

  • reducing the negative impact on our Earth’s life systems,
  • demonstrating that you care about our environment and showing others how to do the same,
  • making a difference for future generations.

There are many ways to make any event “green”.  They include, but are not limited to, invitations printed on recycled paper (chlorine free, or hand made), certified organic and sustainable catering, using china and silverware instead of plastic, using bio-diesel transportation, providing recycling receptacles (paper, plastic, aluminum and glass) and purchasing fair trade wedding attire or uniforms for service personnel.

Exquisite Event’s wedding and event planners can help you; decrease the amount of solid waste produced by the event, reduce energy and water consumption at the event,
minimize emissions resulting from vehicular transportation and reduce energy consumption associated with the event.

Other ways to make your event “green” are by disposing of solid and liquid waste in an environmentally responsible manner and reducing or eliminating the use of harmful chemicals at an event.

Together we can be a creative force and turn your event or wedding into a true “green” affair.

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